This card is in fact one of the, if not actually the, very first ones I made. I got the template from "the net" but didn't realise I would become hooked on card making, so paid little attention to the author - if you recognise it, then I thank you and if you would like credit please contact me and I will credit you. I made it for my husband for Fathers Day last year (Fathers Day is in September in Australia). I used black Cardex for the suit ( I actually had bought LOADS to make bonbonniere boxes for my sons' wedding, pictures of which I will post later, and had - still have in fact- a few sheets left. It makes really good "suiting". The shirt is from DCWV mat stack "Far East" and the tie is made from wrapping paper that I used to wrap the gift I gave him ( that is something I do quite often, eg I use some of the wrapping paper a gift came in to make a thank you card). The suit buttons are tiny little ones that were in a bag of a zillIon from Spotlight. I wrote inside the card with white gel pen "You are such a great obviously suits you". What's more, I really mean it, my husband is a great Dad; was when the boys were little and still is now they are adults.
I made a matching envelope in plain turquoise with a strip of the shirt paper on it - it looked pretty good. I can't believe that nearly a year has gone by and now I'm looking at making another Fathers Day card, well two actually as my Dad is still kicking!!! I may have a photo of the card I made for him last year, I'll have to have a look on my hard disc, the technological equivalent of Darkest Africa, lol.
Anyway, hope you like what was,you have to remember, my first effort.
Love it! Well done.